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Soterio Bezio (b. 1972, Greece) is a New York-based painter who also works with printmaking, collage, and digital painting.


Growing up in northern Greece, he started to test the boundaries of his traditional upbringing and of the canvas at a young age.  Soterio's work mirrors his personality - seeking a constant, yet always tentative balance between organized structure and fluid world exploration.  Concrete lines and dimensions live on a canvas with a constantly moving foundation.


“I select to paint my Faces – Observers and Dialogues – with genderless figures, without structure, with fluid and open characteristics, to allow the viewers to immerse into and translate the figurative compositions as they prefer, as they relate to them, and as they understand them, whenever they look at them … ”


Soterio’s work examines emotion-driven human interactions that transcend time, space, and physical norms. Using abstraction and abstract figuration, he creates a visual language that aims to capture moments-in-emotion and at the same time depict them as figures-of-emotion.


Soterio has progressively incorporated new concepts and elements in his work through experimentation and self-study. He has found inspiration and lessons in the work of cubist, surrealists, abstract expressionists, pop-art and emerging artists.


© 2024 BEZIO ART

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